One word summarizes Method Wood for Good Furniture Polish product: Yummy!
I generally don't use Method products. I find them overpriced to be perfectly honest though I appreciate the way the company popularized green cleaning products. Because I tend to not buy their products I had never tried their wood polish, at least until one of my clients introduced it to me. She had several small sample bottles that she wanted to use up and a lot of nice wood furniture that needed polishing.
So I started to use it and soon I was addicted. The scent is what got me. Being an aromatherapist I love nice smelling things and Method smells like warm, vanilla-laced almond extract. It is as if you are eating a lovely freshly baked almond pastry - luscious.
I highly recommend buying some of this for the wood in your home. It gives your furniture a nice sheen and leaves a lovely scent behind. Seriously if I could coat my house in this stuff I would.